Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Shoe Angels

Lovely JC box

Shoes:Jeffrey Campbell
OOOOFFFTTTTTT!!! Check out my new bad boys!! They are hands down the best things I have ever owned in my life....so so in love..
Look how lovely the box is. I actually started laughing when I first opened the box as the come with a caution warning...what?! I was going to showcase these darlings at the weekend for my works night out but was too afraid to ruin them...I will however be brave and wear this weekend :). I have already raved on about how comfortable Lita's are and these are no different..however they are slightly heavier on your feet than the others..proper eye catching!!! They were shipped from America from www.solestruck.com and including importation charges, cost about £150 altogether. Most definitely worth in my opinion. 

Before I forget..look how productive I've been today..:)

My new rings arrived today from Lily Melrose...I love them!! I got the mixed ring package this time, where Lily picks 5 for you and it only costs a tenner!! :). You can find them on www.llymlrs.com

Shyz xx

1 comment:

  1. your lita's are gorgeous ;) I like them studded =)

